Greenacres Education Trust
Through provision of facilities for education and dissemination of information, the charity intend to reduce the inequality gap between well and the poorly educated children.
A significant part of the project is committed to offering equal education opportunities to boys and girls. The latters progresses often educationally disadvantaged due to unbalanced cultural gender practices.
Psychologically nurture pupil's right from a tender age to aim for academic excellence, as well as spritual rightiousness and dignity.
Greenacres Junior Academy seeks to maximize every child's personal and academic development irrespective of individual background within a modern, safe and nurturing environment away from home.
Eliminate Academic disparities that stunt performance among local student population, reduce pupil dropout and low pass grades which is the main cause of failure to secure admission to good secondary schools or vocational training institutions.
Introduce pupils to information technology in their early formative schooling stage to allow them compete favorably with counterparts in other regions.
Guide pupil's in their respective individual faith and appropriate moral values to positions them towards desirable career paths and rewarding employment.
Promote female education, address female gender issues, support and follow up the progress of students from financially challenged families after completion to ensure they have completed professional courses.
Support ICT training to parents, small business entrepreneurs, public servants and community youth.
Coordinate and facilitate training for entrepreneurial skills and small business management to position perticipants in beneficial market places.
Provide facilities for nurturing youth talents and sports disciplines.
Create direct and indirect employment opportunities in the local communities.
Encaurage reluctant investors to place investments in partnership with the local community.